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GOV.UK Frontend Django

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The govuk_frontend_django package contains Django functionality to help when building a GOV.UK website.

The main part of this package is the template tags that it offers for use in your templates. These template tags will reduce the amount of markup that you need to maintain in your project.

This package also contains some helpful templates for your project, such as the govuk_frontend_django/base.html template which contains the basic structure of a GOV.UK website.

Getting started

First install the package:

pip install govuk-frontend-django

In your settings file, add the app to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Start using the template tags in your templates!

{% load govuk_frontend_django %}

{% gds_component "back-link" href="/" %}

More template tags

Compatibility table

Below is a list of the versions of this package and the versions of the GOV.UK Frontend that they are compatible with.