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Python components


The recommended way to use GOV.UK components is via the template tags. The template tags use the python components under the hood.

Building the Python components directly can be useful if you want to build out a complex component in python.

The components have been built in a way that allows you to simply pass through a dict as the kwargs for the component in the same format that we see in teh Nunjucks template examples on the GDS website.

For example, the Back Link, which can be found here, has the folowing Nunjucks example:

{% from "govuk/components/back-link/macro.njk" import govukBackLink %}

{{ govukBackLink({
  text: "Back",
  href: "#"
}) }}

To use the Python version of this component you can do the following:

from govuk_frontend_django.components.back_link import GovUKBackLink

def my_view(request):
    data = {
        "text": "Back",
        "href": "#"
    context = {
        'back_link': GovUKBackLink(**data)
    return render(request, 'my_template.html', context)


{% load govuk_frontend_django %}

{{ back_link }}

This works because the GovUKBackLink class inherits from the GovUKComponent class which handles the rendering of the component.

Keyword Arguments

Instead of defining a data dict and passing it through as **data you can also pass through the keyword arguments directly.
