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GDS Components template tags

See: for more information on the GDS components.

The gds_component tag

The gds_component templatetag allows you to render any component that has been implemented in the govuk_frontend_django package. The first arg taken is the hyphenated name for the component (e.g. "back-link" for the Back Link component). The remaining args are passed through as keyword arguments to the component.


{% load govuk_frontend_django %}

{% gds_component "back-link" href="/" %}
{% gds_component "button" text="Save" %}
{% gds_component "details" summaryText="Click me to see some hidden text" text="Some hidden text" %}
{% gds_component "error-message" text="An error message" %}
{% gds_component "hint" text="Some hint text" %}
{% gds_component "inset-text" text="Some inset text" %}
{% gds_component "label" text="A label" %}
{% gds_component "notification-banner" text="Notification banner" %}
{% gds_component "panel" titleText="Panel title" text="Panel content" %}
{% gds_component "skip-link" text="Skip to main content" %}
{% gds_component "tag" text="Tag content" %}
{% gds_component "warning-text" text="This is a warning" %}

Complex template tags

Some of the components aren't a simple flat mapping, for these we implement custom template tags.

Formatting with djLint

If you use djLint to format your templates, you will need to add the following custom_blocks to your settings as per the Custom Blocks documentation.


Currently, djLint doesn't support the use of tags acting like either a tag or a block.

For example, in the code below the gds_error_summary_error_list_item tag is both used with and without an end tag:

{% gds_error_summary titleText="Error summary" descriptionText="Some descriptions about the error summary." %}
    {% gds_error_summary_error_list_item href="/" text="Error item 1" %}
    {% gds_error_summary_error_list_item href="/" %}
        Error 2
    {% endgds_error_summary_error_list_item %}
{% endgds_error_summary %}

Running djLint over this example will result in poorly formatted templates.

The current workaround for this is to suffix the tag with _inline like so:

{% gds_error_summary titleText="Error summary" descriptionText="Some descriptions about the error summary." %}
    {% gds_error_summary_error_list_item_inline href="/" text="Error item 1" %}
    {% gds_error_summary_error_list_item href="/" %}
        Error 2
    {% endgds_error_summary_error_list_item %}
{% endgds_error_summary %}

As you can see, the gds_error_summary_error_list_item without an end tag became gds_error_summary_error_list_item_inline. This workaround isn't ideal.

Currently unsupported components

Currently we don't support the following components:

These are all fields that are best implemented using Crispy Forms GDS.