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Cookie banner



To use the component, you need to load the govuk_frontend_django template tag library and then use the gds_cookie_banner, gds_cookie_banner_message and gds_cookie_banner_message_action tags.

You can define HTML using the set tag and then use the html parameter of the gds_cookie_banner_message tag to render it.


{% load govuk_frontend_django %}
{% set message_3_html %}
    <p class="govuk-body">Message 3 content</p>
{% endset %}
{% gds_cookie_banner %}
    {% gds_cookie_banner_message headingText="Message 1 heading" %}
        <p class="govuk-body">Message 1 content</p>
        {% gds_cookie_banner_message_action text="Action 1" %}
        {% gds_cookie_banner_message_action text="Action 2" %}
    {% endgds_cookie_banner_message %}
    {% gds_cookie_banner_message headingText="Message 2 heading" text="Message 2 content" %}
    {% gds_cookie_banner_message headingText="Message 3 heading" html=message_3_html %}
{% endgds_cookie_banner %}