"""Transaction model and manager."""
from __future__ import annotations
import json
from logging import getLogger
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.transaction import atomic
from django_fsm import FSMIntegerField
from django_fsm import transition
from common.models.mixins import TimestampedMixin
from common.models.utils import lazy_string
from common.renderers import counter_generator
from workbaskets.validators import WorkflowStatus
logger = getLogger(__name__)
class TransactionPartition(models.IntegerChoices):
Transactions are partitioned into global groupings based on type.
Within a partition, a transactions order applies, to obtain a global
ordering call .order_by("partition", "order").
The numbers chosen increment by "era" of transaction, starting from approved
transactions SEED_FILE, REVISION then ending with DRAFT.
This system enables a simple filter for "approved" transactions, by checking
for <= HIGHEST_APPROVED_PARTITION, this is currently set to REVISION, which
is implemented in TransactionQuerySet.approved().
SEED_FILE = 1, "Seed"
REVISION = 2, "Revision"
DRAFT = 3, "Draft"
def get_highest_approved_partition(cls):
"""Return the highest approved partition, this is used by
TransactionQuerySet.approved() to filter approved partitions using a
comparison operator as opposed to "in"."""
# This is a function, not a const as duplicate are not allowed in an Enum.
return cls.REVISION
def approved_partitions(cls):
return [cls.SEED_FILE, cls.REVISION]
class TransactionManager(models.Manager):
class ApprovedTransactionManager(TransactionManager):
def get_queryset(self):
return super().get_queryset().approved()
class TransactionsAlreadyApproved(Exception):
class TransactionsAlreadyInDraft(Exception):
class TransactionQueryset(models.QuerySet):
def tracked_models(self):
"""Returns all tracked models referenced by transactions in this
return self.model.tracked_models.rel.related_model.objects.filter(
def published(self) -> TransactionQueryset:
"""Return a queryset of Transactions that have been both approved (are
in the SEED_FILE or REVISION partitions) and are associated with
Workbaskets whose status is PUBLISHED."""
return self.filter(
def approved(self):
"""Currently approved Transactions are SEED_FILE and REVISION this can
return self.filter(
def unapproved(self):
return self.exclude(
def preorder_negative_transactions(self) -> None:
Makes all order numbers negative if there is even one negative order
Negative order numbers happen in preemptive transactions, e.g. when we
import commodity code changes
if self.count() and self.order_by("order").first().order < 0:
transactions = self.order_by("order")
for tx in transactions:
order += 1
tx.order = order
type(self).objects.bulk_update(transactions, ["order"])
def move_to_end_of_partition(self, partition) -> None:
Update Transaction partition and order fields to place them at the end
of the specified partition.
Transaction order is updated to be contiguous.
transactions = self.order_by("partition", "order")
# Ensure order of the transactions in this query to start at end of the partition.
# The order_by here is redundant - as it's the natural order of Transaction,
# but it's included for clarity.
existing_tx = (
.exclude(pk__in=transactions.values_list("pk", flat=True))
order_start = existing_tx.order + 1 if existing_tx else 1
"Update transactions in query starting from %s "
"to start after transaction %s. order_start: %s",
existing_tx.pk if existing_tx else None,
counter = counter_generator(start=order_start)
for tx in transactions:
tx.order = counter()
tx.partition = partition
self.model.objects.bulk_update(transactions, ["partition", "order"])
def save_drafts(self, partition_scheme):
Save draft transactions as either SEED_FILE or REVISION transactions.
Contained tracked models to become the current version. Order field is
updated so these transactions are at the end of the approved partition
if not self.exists():
logger.info("Draft contains no transactions, bailing out early.")
if self.approved().exists():
pks = self.values_list("pk")
msg = f"One or more Transactions was not in the DRAFT partition: {pks}"
raise TransactionsAlreadyApproved(msg)
# Find the transaction in the destination approved partition with the highest order
# get_approved_partition may raise a ValueError, e.g. when attempting to create
# a seed transaction when revisions exist, so it is called before any of the
# later queries.
logger.info("Save drafts with partition scheme %s", repr(partition_scheme))
approved_partition = partition_scheme.get_approved_partition()
"Approved partition %s selected by partition_scheme.",
logger.debug("Update version_group.")
for obj in self.tracked_models.order_by("pk"):
version_group = obj.version_group
version_group.current_version = obj
def revert_current_version(self):
"""Set current_version to previous version or None on a basket's tracked
model version groups."""
for obj in self.tracked_models.order_by("-pk").select_related("version_group"):
version_group = obj.version_group
versions = (
| Q(transaction__workbasket=obj.transaction.workbasket),
if versions.count() == 0:
version_group.current_version = None
version_group.current_version = versions.first()
def move_to_draft(self):
Save SEED_FILE or REVISION transactions as DRAFT.
Set current_version to previous version or None on a basket's tracked
model version groups.
if not self.exists():
logger.info("Queryset contains no transactions, bailing out early.")
if self.unapproved().exists():
pks = self.values_list("pk")
msg = f"One or more Transactions was already in the DRAFT partition: {pks}"
raise TransactionsAlreadyInDraft(msg)
logger.debug("Update version_group.")
logger.info("Save with DRAFT partition scheme")
[docs]class Transaction(TimestampedMixin):
Contains a group of one or more TrackedModel instances that must be applied
Linked to a WorkBasket and may be contained by one or more Envelopes when exported.
Business rule validation is performed at Transaction level for creates, updates and
deletes. Business rules are also validated at the TrackedModel level for creates.
Mutation rules:
Only transactions in the DRAFT partition should be modified - at that point they may be
moved to SEED_FILE or REVISION partitions, and the order field will be updated.
Transactions in SEED_FILE or REVISION partitions should not be modified.
class Meta:
# See TransactionPartition for information on workbasket_status order.
ordering = ("partition", "order")
indexes = (models.Index(fields=("partition", "order")),)
# FSMField protects against unexpected state changes.
partition = FSMIntegerField(
import_transaction_id = models.IntegerField(null=True, editable=False)
workbasket = models.ForeignKey(
# Order of transaction within its partition.
# The default order ("partition", "order") gives global ordering.
order = models.IntegerField()
composite_key = models.CharField(max_length=16, unique=True)
Originally containing workbasket pk, order and partition for user created
Now a random unique string to avoid duplicate values when reordering /
deleting transactions.
It is not clear what the purpose of composite_key is other than as an
application level unique ID for a transaction. It is not used anywhere in
the app.
objects = TransactionManager.from_queryset(TransactionQueryset)()
approved = ApprovedTransactionManager.from_queryset(TransactionQueryset)()
[docs] @transition(
def save_draft(self, partition_scheme):
Finalise a single DRAFT transaction as a REVISION.
Delegates to Transaction.objects.save_drafts() which is a better choice
if updating many records.
return self
[docs] def to_json(self):
Serialize to JSON.
Used for storing in the session.
return json.dumps(
{key: val for key, val in self.__dict__.items() if key != "_state"},
def __enter__(self):
models.signals.pre_save.connect(self.add_to_transaction, dispatch_uid=id(self))
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc):
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Transaction pk={self.pk}, order={self.order}, partition={self.partition}>"
[docs] def add_to_transaction(self, instance, **kwargs):
if hasattr(instance, "transaction"):
instance.transaction = self
def _get_summary(self):
Return a short summary of the transaction.
Attempts a balance between readability and enough information to debug
issues, so contains the pk and status of the transaction and workbasket.
Stringification is lazily evaluated, so this property can be passed to
return (
f"transaction: {self.partition}, {self.pk} "
f"in workbasket: {self.workbasket.status}, {self.workbasket.pk}"
def summary(self):
Return a short summary of the transaction.
Attempts a balance between readability and enough information to debug
issues, so contains the partion, order for transactions and pk, status
for workbaskets.
Stringification happens lazily so this property is suitable for use when
# This is not decorated with lazy_string because it doesn't work with properties
return self._get_summary()
class TransactionGroup(models.Model):
An ordered group of Transactions.
Transactions often must be applied in a specific sequence, for example to
ensure a Measure exists before a Footnote can be associated with it.
A Transaction may belong to several groups, for example a group associated
with an imported Envelope, and with a WorkBasket.
group_id = models.IntegerField()
order_in_group = models.IntegerField()
transaction = models.ForeignKey(Transaction, on_delete=models.PROTECT)