10. Convert the XML importer to a pipeline

Date: 2020-08-20




Migrating legacy and new data into the Tariff Management Tool (TaMaTo) is integral to keeping the system up-to-date. Historically the serialized data medium has been TARIC3 XML. This is a relatively strict medium, in terms of its content, which is heavily coupled to the legacy data models. Therefore it is important to have an importing solution which works with TARIC3 XML.

Previously a generic XML importing system has been written which extracts XML data into python objects effectively. However a newly realised problem within the project stops this from being a complete solution.

The problem

Over the course of TaMaTo’s redevelopment several data models have been determined as unnecessary abstractions. These unnecessary models have mostly been merged with related models to keep the system terse and easier to understand. For example the legacy system had a GoodsNomenclature model (describing a good), a GoodsNomenclatureOrigin model (describing how one good originated from another good), and a GoodsNomenclatureSuccessor model (describing how some goods succeeded from another good). This has been replaced with the singular GoodsNomenclature model which has one extra column origin. This single column can be used to replace the full functionality of the other two tables.

These changes simplify the development experience whilst keeping the same functionality for users. However these changes also have a serious impact on importing legacy data. This is because legacy data is naive to the changes made. So a model such as GoodsNomenclature is still treated as the three original models from the legacy system. Therefore the data received by the importer for the GoodsNomenclature model is received as three separate records. There is no guaranteed order in which the records will arrive. There also is no guarantee that the records will even arrive in the same transaction.

Consequentially there were two false assumptions made when designing the initial importer:

  1. All records come complete and ready to insert into the database.

  2. All records come in the correct order.

The current importer was designed as a sequential XML parser. It extracts each record individually and immediately tries to dispatch it to the database as a complete object. In most cases the data is incomplete and the data validation fails - halting the process.


To be able to handle the incomplete data records being input the importer is being split into 3 components which work together as a pipeline. The three components are as follows:

  1. XML Parser - parses XML data into a python dict.

  2. Object Nursery - Collects python dicts and stores them until a complete object can be made.

  3. Object Handler - Fetches python dicts from the nursery and turns them into database objects.

A cache has also been introduced to store the python dicts whilst a handler waits for further data.

The pipeline

The flow between these three components looks roughly like the following diagram:

Importer Pipeline Flow Diagram

The XML Parser

Initially an XML file is passed to the XML parser.

The parser reflects the XML file structure with each elemnt being a Parser class. Each Parser class contains other Parser classes as attributes which reflect the elements expected to be contained within the “parent” Parsers tag. At the Record level of the TARIC3 XML the data is extracted, converted into a python dictionary, and emitted to the Nursery with the Workbasket ID and XML tag.

The important factor here is how the data is extracted and put into the dictionary. The naming of each piece of data is integral to how the handler uses that data later on.

Code example

A basic set of XML Parser classes may look like:

from importer.namespaces import ENVELOPE
from importer.namespaces import Tag
from importer.parsers import ElementParser
from importer.parsers import TextElement

class Record(ElementParser):
    tag = Tag("record")
    transaction_id = TextElement(Tag("transaction.id"))

class Message(ElementParser):
    tag = Tag("app.message", prefix=ENVELOPE)
    record = Record(many=True)

class Transaction(ElementParser):
    tag = Tag("transaction", prefix=ENVELOPE)
    message = Message(many=True)

This would automatically parse an XML file that looks like:


The Object Nursery

The Object Nursery acts as a go-between for the parser. The nursery itself does very little. But it is here where the handling of incomplete records and belated linked records is enabled (not handled, enabled).

The Nursery has 4 core functions:

  1. To receive a python dictionary with a workbasket ID and a unique identifier for the record type (in the case of the XML parser the unique identifier is the tag name).

  2. To match these python dictionaries against the handlers responsible for building them into database records.

  3. To store any records that cannot yet be processed by a handler.

  4. To fetch a record when it is ready to be processed by a handler.

It is important to note that the Nursery does not know when a record is ready to be processed or when it needs to be stored. Instead it takes the cue for these actions from the handler being used. The nursery simply presents an interface for the handler to interact with the cache, whilst also acting as a gateway before to start the handling process.

The record cache

The record cache is an intermediate storage which holds record objects. These record objects contain their data, workbasket ID, and a unique identifier matching them to their handler. The format of the cache does not matter as long as a standard interface is present between the cache and the nursery. This means the cache could be anything ranging from local file storage to a redis cluster to an in process dictionary. Currently the most simple approach has been taken - an in process dictionary.

The Object Handler

The Object Handler is where most of the processing happens.

A handler defines the serializer it uses to validate data and insert the data into the database. It also defines the unique identifier required to match it to a record. It defines any other handlers it may be interdependent on. Lastly it defines any other database records it may have foreign keys to and how to find the relevant data for this key.

When a handler receives a record it uses the above definitions to first try and resolve any depdendencies and merge their data together. If the dependencies are found and merged the handler then tries to build the foreign keys by finding records in the database.

If either of the above steps fail the handler returns a falsy message to the nursery. The nursery takes a falsy value to indicate the current record needs to be cached for later processing. It is this mechanism that allows the importer to handle partial data being passed to it with an indeterminate order. If the data is determined to be incomplete it is simply cached and then attempted to be reprocessed when one of the dependent records is given to a handler.

If both steps are successful the handler validates the data and inserts it into the database. If either validation or insertion fails then an error will be raised.


The system is relatively complex but has several benefits.


Highly customisable

Both handlers and parsers can be changed extensively to match individual model needs.

Highly Decoupled

Most of the system acts in a decoupled way. The Nursery doesn’t care where it gets data from. Nor does the nursery care where the data is cached. Nurseries don’t even need Handlers to act in the same way at all, they just need something to match the unique identifiers against. Handlers similarly expect a nursery like object but don’t actually care if it is a nursery - they just need an interface to the cache.

With this in mind it is simple to change the actual caching system. Or to add a new integration for other clients who don’t want to use TARIC XML as an input. It is also simple to create entirely custom handlers for certain models.

Works with existing serializers

API serializers are reused for validation purposes, easing some of the complexities.

Cons (many of these are still the case for alternative solutions):

It’s complex

There are a lot of moving parts involved in the system. This makes it relatively fragile and non-trivial to conceptualize while working on it.

Doesn’t handle incomplete data well

This is incomplete data that cannot be completed. If partial data comes through and its dependencies do not, the data will end up stuck in the cache. The nursery will not handle this.

Relies on unique keys actually being unique

An assumption is made that we can build unique keys for each record using the identifying data it contains. This may not be the case (keys may not be unique). In this case records in the cache may be overwritten.

Doesn’t handle optional foreign keys well

Optional foreign keys are generally ignored if not found. This may be a problem when the foreign keys are presented later on.

Alternatives Considered

Handling dependencies in the XML

Another solution was to let the XML parser handle the entire process. If an interdependent record is found it could pass it to the parent element. The parent element would look for dependencies and if not find any would pass it to its parent. This would carry on recursively until all dependencies found.

This approach is similar to the one taken (store data until the dependencies are found). But everything is done within the parser. As a result there are 3 issues with this approach compared to the current solution:

  1. There is no guarantee the dependent data is found within the same XML file being parsed.

  2. The system is tightly coupled, it would be far harder to adapt to varying model needs.

  3. The storage is tied to the system memory which may present problems for big inputs.

Sorting the records within the XML

Another solution was to parse the XML and sort it before inserting rows. This would allow assigning unique keys, merging dependencies and then inserting in the order we expect. However the main issue with this is the lack of assurance on where items come within the input. Therefore the amount of data required to store in memory could be significant.

However this solution may still be desirable. The nursery approach does not preclude sorting as an impossibility.

Future suggestions

Clean up process

Currently there is no way to know when an input is finished. As a result this may leave straggling records in the cache. A clean up process should be implemented to allow these records to be wrapped up before the process dies.


As the nursery controls when records are first handled it would be trivial to implement a batching system. This would involve the nursery holding onto records at first until some milestone is reached (e.g. x number of records, or an entire XMl transaction or similar). Once the milestone is reached the entire batch could be processed in one go.

Implement sorting

If batching is implemented then sorting the data appropriately would be a trivial addition to this system.