1. Setting simple rates

The purpose of the UK Trade Tariff dataset is to specify policy measures that control trade. One of the main mechanisms for controlling trade is levying a duty that a trader must pay to import their goods into the United Kingdom.

The most basic duty that policy defines is called the “third country duty” or alternatively “Most Favoured Nation” rate. This rate is paid by any trader that does not have access to a lower duty via a free trade agreement, suspension or quota.

Each duty or control applied by the tariff is represented by a “measure”.

Each measure defines what the duty or control is and what trades it applies to. For each Most Favoured Nation rate, there is a measure that defines the rate and the time period it applies for. Read more about measures.

The Most Favoured Nation rate is different for each kind of product. When a trader does an import or export, they must declare the kind of products they are trading. In order to efficiently specify policy, products are grouped together into a certain “classification”.

For example, all live animals are classified together and so policy could specify rates or controls that apply to any live animal. There are also more specific classifications to cover, for example, live horses, pigs and poultry and so trade policy can target those more specific groups instead.

Each classification is represented by a “commodity”, and traders declare which type of product they are importing using a “commodity code”. Each measure targets exactly one commodity code. Read more about commodities.

To set up a new Most Favoured Nation measure, you will need to know the new rate, the commodity code to apply it to, and the date range that it should apply for. Before starting this scenario, read more about how Most Favoured Nation duties work and how they are structured.

Scenario: Creating an MFN in the Tariff Editor

Tagged: ui

You have been asked to add a third country duty for polycarbonate infant feeding bottles. The commodity code is for this commodity is 3924100020.

You are going to add a new MFN rate of 15% to this commodity code.

You will do this by using the Tariff Management Tool to change the duty which will be paid by any trader that does not have access to a lower duty via a free trade agreement, suspension or quota.

  1. Given I am on the training envrionment

  2. And there is a 3924100020 commodity code

  3. When I visit the home page

  4. And I select "Create a new measure"

  5. And I press "Start now"

  6. Then I am taken to the next page

  7. When I am on the "Enter the basic data" page

  8. And I select "Third country duty" as the measure type

  9. And I select "C2100001" as the regulation ID

  10. And I select "All countries (erga omnes)" as the geographical area

  11. And I leave the quota order number blank

  12. And I select today as the start date

  13. And I leave the end date blank

  14. And I press "Continue"

  15. Then I am taken to the next step

  16. When I am on the "Select commodities and enter the duties" page

  17. And I select "3924100020" as the commodity code

  18. And I enter "6.00%" as the duties

  19. And I press "Continue"

  20. Then I am taken to the next step

  21. When I am on the "Assign an additional code" page

  22. And I leave the additional code blank

  23. And I press "Continue"

  24. Then I am taken to the next step

  25. When I am on the "Add any condition codes" page

  26. And I leave the condition code blank

  27. And I press "Continue"

  28. Then I am taken to the next step

  29. When I am on the "Add any footnotes" page

  30. And I leave the footnote blank

  31. And I press "Continue"

  32. Then I am taken to the next step

  33. When I am on the "Review your measure" page

  34. And I press "Create"

  35. Then I see the confirmation message

Scenario: Creating a measure in a Jupyter notebook

Tagged: notebook

Jupyter notebooks are used by data engineers to make backend changes to tariff data. If you are not a data engineer, you can ignore this scenario and any others make changes using a Jupyter notebook.

If you are a data engineer, make sure to follow the steps outlined in the tariff data repository README to set up your environment first.

  1. Given a migration notebook

  2. And there is a 3924100020 commodity code

  3. When I create a MeasureCreationPattern

  4. And I call create with the following arguments






    GoodsNomenclature.current_objects.get(item_id="3924100020", suffix="80")


    MeasureType.current_objects.get(description="Third country duty")






    date(2020, 1, 1)



  5. And I validate the workbasket

  6. Then I get no errors