2. Creating a new suspension with footnotes¶
A tariff suspension or tariff relief is where the normal import duty is removed or reduced (“suspended”) for imports. Suspensions are often time-limited whereas reliefs are often more permanent. Read more about suspensions and reliefs.
As with a Most Favoured Nation rate, a suspension is implemented using a measure attached to a specific commodity. The two main differences are that a suspension uses a different measure type and that suspension measures often have explanatory footnotes attached.
A “footnote” is a short explanatory text that can be attached to a measure or commodity code. Footnotes are to advise traders about special conditions associated with a measure or code. Read more about footnotes.
Footnotes are grouped into different types – e.g. footnotes to do with sanctions, or footnotes to do with export control. Most footnotes that are applied to suspensions are of the “duty suspension” type. The types are just for grouping and don’t serve any special purpose.
Creating a new suspension will often involve creating a new duty suspension footnote as well. The footnote has to be created first and then the suspension measure is created next.
In places where the suspension only covers part of a commodity code they are sometimes implemented using additional codes. That advanced scenario will be covered later.
Scenario: Creating a footnote using the Tariff Editor¶
Tagged: ui
You have been asked to create a new duty suspension which requires a footnote to provide information on how the new suspension is to be used.
The duty suspension you create will be to allow butene to be imported without incurring any fees to do so.
You will create the footnote first to explain the suspension it is to read: “This suspension does not apply to mixtures falling under this commodity code”.
You will then create the duty suspension and add the footnote to it.
Given I am on the training environment
And there is a duty suspension (DS) footnote type
When I visit the homepage
And I select "Create a new footnote"
Then I am taken to the next page
When I am on the "Create a new footnote" page
And I select "DS - Duty suspension" as the footnote type
And I enter today as the start date
And I enter "This suspension does not apply to mixtures falling under this commodity code" as the description
And I press "Save"
Then I see the confirmation message
Scenario: Creating a suspension measure using the Tariff Editor¶
Tagged: ui
You will now create a suspension measure to remove the duty. The relevant commodity code is 290123.
This measure looks similar to the Most Favoured Nation duty measure, but now you are using a different measure type and regulation. You will also attach the footnote you created in the last scenario.
Given I am on the training environment
And there is a DS footnote
When I visit the home page
And I select "Create a new measure"
And I press "Start now"
Then I am taken to the next page
When I am on the "Enter the basic data" page
And I select "Autonomous tariff suspension" as the measure type
And I select "C2100003" as the regulation ID
And I select "All countries (erga omnes)" as the geographical area
And I leave the quota order number blank
And I select today as the start date
And I leave the end date blank
And I press "Continue"
Then I am taken to the next step
When I am on the "Select commodities and enter the duties" page
And I select "2901230000" as the commodity code
And I enter "0.00%" as the duties
And I press "Continue"
Then I am taken to the next step
When I am on the "Assign an additional code" page
And I leave the additional code blank
And I press "Continue"
Then I am taken to the next step
When I am on the "Add any condition codes" page
And I leave the condition code blank
And I press "Continue"
Then I am taken to the next step
When I am on the "Add any footnotes" page
And I select "DS001" as the footnote
And I press "Continue"
Then I am taken to the next step
When I am on the "Review your measure" page
And I press "Create"
Then I see the confirmation message
Scenario: Creating a footnote using a Jupyter notebook¶
Tagged: notebook
This scenario is the first demonstration of creating a “described object” in a notebook. Footnotes, additional codes, certificates, geographical areas and commodity codes are all described objects, and all have the same rules and structure associated with their descriptions.
This scenario also demonstrates an error condition being found using business rules. In this case, a described object is not allowed to exist without a description. Note that in order to fix this, the description we create must be in the same transaction as the footnote, because all business rules must pass after every transaction.
Given a migration notebook
And there is a duty suspension (DS) footnote type
When I create a Footnote called DS001 with the following arguments
TaricDateRange(date.today(), None)
And I validate the workbasket
Then I get errors
When I create a FootnoteDescription with the following arguments
"This suspension only applies to mixtures falling under this commodity code"
And I validate the workbasket
Then I get no errors
Scenario: Creating a suspension measure using a Jupyter notebook¶
Tagged: notebook
This scenario demonstrates that defaults can be given to the MeasureCreationPattern, which removes the need to specify them with every call.
Given a migration notebook
And there is a commodity code
When I create a MeasureCreationPattern with defaults
MeasureType.current_objects.get(description="Autonomous tariff suspension")
And I call create with the following arguments
GoodsNomenclature.current_objects.get(item_id="2901230000", suffix="80")
And I validate the workbasket
Then I get no errors