3. Modifying the rate under GSP¶
The Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) is a tariff regime that gives favourable access to developing countries. It is an example of a “preferential regime”, i.e. a mechanism by which tariff rates are lowered for certain countries in certain circumstances.
GSP is a “unilateral” regime, meaning that the United Kingdom gives preferential access without expectation of anything in return. This is in contrast to a “bilateral” regime, in which preferential treatment is applied to both sides. Read more about unilateral preferences.
The Most Favoured Nation and suspension measures that were created in earlier scenarios applies to all countries. Handling a preference is similar but also requires specifying the geographical area that the preference applies to.
A “geographical area” can be a country, region, trading bloc or other group.
There is no technical difference between a country or a region – it just reflects the United Kingdom’s official view that certain areas are not recognised as soverign countries.
Groups can contain multiple countries or regions and allow specifying measures or quotas that should apply to the whole group. Membership of a group is controlled by a set of dates that specify for what periods a country or region is a member. Read more about geographical areas.
Scenario: Updating an existing GSP measure using the Tariff Editor¶
Tagged: ui
In this scenario, you will modify the dates on an existing GSP measure to correct an error. You will first need to find the correct measure and edit it to correct the dates.
The update is an error correction meaning that the existing measure does not correctly represent the policy that has been legislated for. The correct tool to use to make this update is therefore the “Edit measure” screen.
Given I am on the training environment
And there is a GSP measure
When I visit the home page
And I select "Find and edit measures"
Then I am taken to the next page
When I select "142 – Tariff preference" as the type
And I select "2020 – GSP – General Framework" as the geographical area
And I press "Search and Filter"
Then at least 1 search result appears
When I press on the 1st search result
Then I see a measure screen
When I press "Edit this measure"
Then I see an edit measure details screen
When I expand the Measure validity period area
And I select today as the start date
And I select tomorrow as the end date
And I press "Save"
Then I see the confirmation message
Scenario: Updating an existing GSP measure using a Jupyter notebook¶
Tagged: notebook
Note here that we do an update to an existing object using the
call, as opposed to just modifying the attributes and
calling save
. The existing version isn’t modified and the change
will get included in any updates sent out of the system.
Given a migration notebook
And a Measure with parameters
MeasureType.current_objects.get(description="Tariff preference")
"GSP – General Framework"
When I get a Measure m with parameters
"Tariff preference"
And I create a new version of m with parameters
TaricDateRange(m.valid_between.lower, date.today())
And I validate the workbasket
Then I get no errors