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Measure types

What measure types are

Measure types tell border systems how to execute an action, such as charge a duty.

The data associated with a measure type explains what the measure is intended to do.

On top of that, HMRC carries out a significant amount of work to make measures behave as intended.

Any changes to measures or additions of new measures must be agreed by HMRC in advance. Measure types must be actively correlated to regulation group IDs by HMRC in CDS.

Measure type series

Each measure belongs to a single measure type. In turn, each measure type belongs to a single measure type series.

The measure type series stores extra information about the measure type and its behaviour.

The measure type series allows more than one way of overlaying measure types and duties via combination and exclusion.

Measure type combinations

The measure type combination field determines how many measure types of a given type series can be applied on a trader’s declaration at any time to the same context.

There are 2 options:

Option Description
0 Only 1 measure at export and 1 at import from the series
1 All measure types in the series to be considered

If the measure type combination is set to 0, it means a trader can only take advantage of one measure type from any given series.

It does not mean tariff managers can only set up a single measure type from each measure type series in the same context.

For example, the commodities 8802110010, 8802120010, 8802200010, 8802300010 and 8802400010 have 103 (Third country duty) and 105 (Non-preferential duty under end-use) applied to the same context.

It is possible for a trade agreement to feature both a tariff preference and a preferential quota on the same context (commodity code). A trader can only select one of these.

The measure type series identifies how different measures are applied alongside each other or overlaid. You cannot apply more than one measure from the same series, but more than one measure from different series can be overlaid.

For example, anti-dumping duties (series D) are overlaid on top of MFN duties (series C). The 2 co-exist, are additive and the trader does not need to choose one.

Existing measure type series

The following table shows how TARIC-based border systems apply the measures that DIT has supplied.

The alphabetical sequence of measure type series is the sequence in which CDS will look to implement the measures.

SIDMeasure Type CombinationDescription
A0Importation and/or exportation prohibited
B1Entry into free circulation or exportation subject to conditions
C0Applicable duty
D1Anti-dumping or countervailing duties
E0Levies, export refunds and other agricultural amounts
F0Additional duty on sugar, flour
G0Monetary compensatory amount
H0Accession compensatory amount
J1Countervailing charge
K0Reference price
L0Complementary trade mechanism
M0Unit price, standard import value, representative price (poultry, sugar)
N1Posterior surveillance
O0Supplementary unit
R0Provisional exclusion
S0Supplementary amount
Z0Archived measure type
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

    measure_type_combination AS 'Measure Type Combination',
    description AS Description
FROM measure_type_series
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups
        ON measure_type_series.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
WHERE (measure_type_series.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_type_series.validity_end > DATE('now'))

Any complete prohibitions are dealt with first. These are dealt with via measures of type series A (Importation and/or exportation prohibited). If there is a complete prohibition that applies to the specific circumstances of the trade, such as the combination of commodity and origin, the trade cannot continue.

If there is no complete prohibition on the trade, the second step is to work out if the trader has the necessary conditions in place, such as certification or licensing, to allow the trade to pass (type series B).

These 2 measure type series apply equally to imports and exports.

Thirdly, after application of the prohibitions and restrictions, measure type series C is checked (applicable duty).

Series C contains the MFN duties, tariff preferences, all the quotas and all the suspensions. The trader must select one.

Series D contains the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties. Of these, if more than one applies to a given context, then both apply. For example both an anti-subsidy and anti-dumping duty on the same code for the same company. The trader does not get to choose the lower.

Series E and F contain Meursing duties.

Series J is the countervailing charge series. The countervailing charge measure in this group is no longer used. This leaves 695 (additional duties) and 696 (additional duties (safeguard)). .

Series M features measure types associated with agricultural safeguards, not duties. For example, the standard import value and unit price.

N and O are not duty related. The next duty-bearing series are VAT and excise (series P and Q), which are applied over and above import duties.

Series S contains the additional duties required by agricultural safeguards in relation to chicken and other poultry goods. These are applied over and above any standard duty from series C.

Measure types per measure type series

The following table illustrates the measure types (per measure series) that have not been end-dated.

SIDDescriptionList of Active Measure TypesNumber of Active Measure Types
AImportation and/or exportation prohibited278, 277, 481, 4854
BEntry into free circulation or exportation subject to conditions473, 476, 467, 475, 483, 474, 477, 465, 478, 760, 755, 710, 751, 706, 707, 482, 771, 722, 724, 750, 717, 770, 705, 748, 711, 714, 410, 774, 735, 747, 708, 420, 713, 749, 712, 740, 745, 718, 725, 479, 716, 773, 730, 715, 709, 746, 728, 772, 761, 766, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 360, 361, 362, 363, 464, 353, 719, 35966
CApplicable duty143, 103, 144, 122, 142, 112, 140, 141, 106, 117, 147, 119, 145, 115, 105, 146, 12317
DAnti-dumping or countervailing duties570, 564, 553, 561, 551, 562, 554, 552, 566, 565, 55511
ELevies, export refunds and other agricultural amounts681, 683, 680, 674, 686, 685, 688, 687, 6849
FAdditional duty on sugar, flour673, 6722
JCountervailing charge690, 695, 6963
MUnit price, standard import value, representative price (poultry, sugar)489, 488, 4903
NPosterior surveillance471, 469, 460, 455, 461, 463, 450, 456, 468, 470, 462, 440, 472, 447, 431, 457, 430, 442, 44519
OSupplementary unit110, 1092
SSupplementary amount655, 652, 657, 651, 654, 658, 653, 6568
ZArchived measure type0
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measure_types AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_series_id
    FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE validity_end IS NULL OR validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_type_series.sid AS SID,
    measure_type_series.description AS Description,
    group_concat(live_measure_types.sid, ', ') AS 'List of Active Measure Types',
    COUNT(live_measure_types.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measure Types'
FROM live_measure_types
    INNER JOIN common_tracked_models
        ON live_measure_types.measure_type_series_id =
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups AS cvg1
        ON common_tracked_models.version_group_id =
    RIGHT OUTER JOIN measure_type_series
        ON cvg1.current_version_id = measure_type_series.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups AS cvg2 ON measure_type_series.trackedmodel_ptr_id = cvg2.current_version_id
WHERE (measure_type_series.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_type_series.validity_end > DATE('now'))
GROUP BY live_measure_types.measure_type_series_id

A - Importation and/or exportation prohibited

Measure types in this series implement certain regulations and polices relating to prohibitions and or restrictions on the import and export of goods. Read more on import and export controls

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series.

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
277Import prohibition5681
278Export prohibition3372
481Declaration of subheading submitted to restrictions (import)4
485Declaration of subheading submitted to restrictions (export)0
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 186
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id

B - Entry into free circulation or exportation subject to conditions

Measure types in this series are used to implement conditions, typically the requirement for certification or licencing. These are used to implement policies realted to credibility checks and restrictions and prohibitions. Read more on import and export controls

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
350Animal Health Certificate2446
351Health and Safety Executive Import Licensing Firearms and Ammunition49
352Attestation Document (horticulture and potatoes)37
353DCMS Export Licence74
354Home Office Controlled Drugs (export)127
355HMI Conformity Certificate (fruit and veg) issued in UK64
357Certificate of Conformity44
358Home Office pre-cursor chemical authorisation36
359Ammonium Nitrates (Imports)6
360Phytosanitary Certificate (import)543
361Home Office Pre-cursor chemicals130
362Home Office Controlled Drugs (import)867
363Quarantine Release Certificate177
410Veterinary control1324
420Entry into free circulation (prior surveillance)120
465Restriction on entry into free circulation8731
467Restriction on export2846
473Export authorization782
474Entry into free circulation (quantitative limitation)16098
475Restriction on entry into free circulation3187
476Restriction on export1497
477Entry into free circulation (outward processing traffic)656
478Export authorization (Dual use)3854
483Declaration of subheading submitted to restrictions (value)0
705Import prohibition on goods for torture and repression74
706Goods for torture and repression, export prohibition35
707Import control77
708Goods for torture and repression, export restriction300
709Export control64
710Import control - CITES1716
711Import control on restricted goods and technologies6293
712Import control - IAS37
713Import control on genetically modified organisms (GMO) and products containing GMOs24
714Import control1
715Export control - CITES1538
717Export control on restricted goods and technologies6105
718Export control on luxury goods359
719Control on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing417
722Entry into free circulation (restriction - feed and food)2529
724Import control of fluorinated greenhouse gases585
725Export control on ozone-depleting substances162
728Import control on luxury goods366
730Compliance with the pre-export checks requirements11
735Export control on cultural goods136
740Export control on cat and dog fur179
745Import control on cat and dog fur179
746Import control on seal products260
747Import control of timber and timber products subject to the FLEGT licensing scheme57
748Import control of mercury37
749Export control of mercury105
750Import control of organic products416
751Export control - Waste1428
755Import control - waste718
760Import control71
761Import control on REACH2
766Export control1458
774Import control of timber and timber products subject to the FLEGT licensing scheme-Vietnam31
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 68
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id

C - Applicable Duty

Measure types in this series are used to implement regulations relating to preferential and non-preferential duties, quotas and suspensions. read more on unilateral preferences, MFNs and trade agreements.

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series.

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
103Third country duty16871
105Non preferential duty under authorised use86
106Customs Union Duty0
112Autonomous tariff suspension12061
115Autonomous suspension under authorised use348
117Suspension - goods for certain categories of ships, boats and other vessels and for drilling or production platforms2286
119Airworthiness tariff suspension1260
122Non preferential tariff quota5789
123Non preferential tariff quota under authorised use220
140Outward processing tariff preference866
141Preferential suspension296
142Tariff preference216960
143Preferential tariff quota21652
144Preferential ceiling10494
145Preference under authorised use9
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 157
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id

D - Anti-dumping or countervailing duties

Measure types in this series are used to implement regulations relating to various trade remedies relating to anti-dumping and countervailing duties. Read more about trade remedies.

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series.

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
551Provisional anti-dumping duty6689
552Definitive anti-dumping duty33298
553Provisional countervailing duty1021
554Definitive countervailing duty21426
555Anti-dumping/countervailing duty - Pending collection14
561Notice of initiation of an anti-dumping or countervailing proceeding1805
562Suspended anti-dumping or countervailing duty159
564Anti-dumping or countervailing registration1176
565Anti-dumping/countervailing review1456
566Anti-dumping/countervailing statistic448
570Anti-dumping/countervailing duty - Control0
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 122
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id

E - Levies, export refunds and other agricultural amounts

Measure types in this series are used to implement Meursing duties on agricultural goods. Read more on agricultural instruments.

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
674Agricultural component80393
680Export refund (basic products)91753
681Export refund (ingredients - information)517
683Export refund (ingredients - amounts)0
684Export refunds for cereal contents21
686Export refund for eggs contents202
688Export refunds for milk products contents82
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 55
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id

F - Additional duty on sugar, flour

Measure types in this series are used to implement Meursing duties on sugar and flour. Read more on agricultural instruments.

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
672Amount of additional duty on sugar68626
673Amount of additional duty on flour57681
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 102
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id

J - Countervailing charge

Measure types in this series are used to implement additional charges relating to safeguards and emergency regulations. read more on safeguards.

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series.

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
690Countervailing charge224
695Additional duties2211
696Additional duties (safeguard)165
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 33
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id

M - Unit price, standard import value, representative price (poultry, sugar)

Measure types in this series are used to implement regulations associated with agricultural safeguards. Read more on agricultural instruments.

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series.

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
488Unit price7006
489Representative price5529
490Standard import value194775
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 167
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id

N - Posterior surveillance

Measure types in this series are used to implement surveillance and monitoring regulations.

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series.

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
442Confidential Import Monitoring97
447Confidential Export Monitoring30
450Statistical surveillance - all imports, except Regulation 1555/962
455Confidential Surveillance (Tariff classification)54
456Confidential Surveillance (Other)19
457Confidential Surveillance (Licence TQs)206
460Computer surveillance0
461Community surveillance - reference quantities3
462Posterior import surveillance236
468GSP Confidential Surveillance16099
469Confidential surveillance other than GSP3561
470Export surveillance25
471Export surveillance (TQS)218
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 13
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id

O - Supplementary unit

Measure types in this series are used to implement SAD guidance regulations. Read more on supplementary units.

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series.

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
109Supplementary unit883
110Supplementary unit import541
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 43
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id


Measure types in this series are used to implement VAT charges. Note that VAT charges are implemented by HMRC, and as such there are no VAT measures in the tariff database.

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series.

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
305Value added tax0
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 4
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id

Q - Excises

Measure types in this series are used to implement excise duties. Note that excise charges are implemented by HMRC, and as such there are no excise measures in the tariff database.

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series.

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 176
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id

S - Supplementary amount

Measure types in this series are used to implement duties based on representative prices.

The below table indicates the active measure types in this series.

SIDDescriptionNumber of Active Measures
651Security based on representative price5886
652Additional duty based on cif price5867
653Security based on representative price, reduced under the benefit of a tariff quota8
654Additional duty based on CIF price, reduced under the benefit of a tariff quota8
655Security (poultry) based on representative price1158
656Additional duty (poultry) based on cif price1158
657Reduced security based on representative price0
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

WITH live_measures AS (
    SELECT sid, measure_type_id
    FROM measures
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups    
        ON measures.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
    WHERE measures.validity_end IS NULL OR measures.validity_end > DATE('now')

SELECT measure_types.sid AS SID,
    measure_types.description AS Description,
    COUNT(live_measures.sid) AS 'Number of Active Measures'
FROM measure_types
        INNER JOIN common_version_groups
            ON measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id = common_version_groups.current_version_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN live_measures ON live_measures.measure_type_id = measure_types.trackedmodel_ptr_id
    WHERE (measure_types.validity_end IS NULL OR measure_types.validity_end > DATE('now'))
    AND measure_types.measure_type_series_id = 135
GROUP BY live_measures.measure_type_id

Measure type fields

Field The unique ID of the measure type, as referenced in the measure. This is always exactly 3 digits long. For measure types sourced from the EU, this is a numeric string; for UK national measures (VAT, excise and national P&R, this is a 3-digit alphabetical string). The date from which a measure type is valid The date on which a measure type is terminated – suggestion is that this gets left as NULL unless absolutely required to change
trade.movement.code Determines if the measure type is intended to be attached to an import or export (or both). Possible values are: 0 Import – majority of measure types concern import, as the tariff primarily deals with import 1 Export – most of these are export controls (e.g. sanctions) 2 Import/export – there are very few measure types which are applicable to both import and export
origin.dest.code This field is an exact duplicate of trade.movement.code (above), but it is required in Taric. Also, ignore the definition of the options that are listed in the Taric Elements guide: it is wrong – there are three options that are possible, as above: 0 Import 1 Export 2 Import/export – (omitted in the Elements guide)
priority.code This appears to be a redundant field, as literally all EU-sourced measure types have a priority.code of “1” – if we are managing measure types in the Tariff Application, we should use always set the value to 1. There are national measure types (set in CHIEF) that have a priority.code of 5.
measure.component.applicable.code Determines if measure components (or measure condition components) can be attached to this measure type – things like 3rd country duty (103) and preferential tariff quota (143) require measure components, whereas things like import / export controls must not have them (e.g. Veterinary control 410). This rule needs to be checked when creating measures
order.number.capture.code Determines whether a quota order number should be assigned to a measure of this type: there are two options: 1 Mandatory – e.g. 122 (Non preferential quota), 143 (Preferential quota) 2 Not permitted – e.g. 142 (Tariff preference) This rule needs to be checked when creating measures
measure.explosion.level This field determines how far down the hierarchy a measure can be ‘exploded’ according to the less than helpful elements guide. Essentially this means that the number of digits in the hierarchy to which measures of this type can be assigned. Always set this to 10 for import measures and to 8 for export measures (in declaring exports, traders are only required to declare at 8 digit level). The ID of the series – single alphabetical character; acts as foreign key into the measure type series table, where additional properties that relate to the execution of the measure types is set.

How the data is structured


Validation rules

Code Description
MT1 Uniqueness rule for measure type code.
MT10 Validity contained rule for measure type series used by measure types.
MT3 Validity contained rule for measure types used by measures.
MT4 Mandatory subrecord rule for referenced measure type series.
MT7 Deletion while in use rule for measure types used in measures.
MTS1 Uniqueness rule for measure type series.
MTS2 Deletion while in use rule for measure type series used in measure types.

Read more in the system documentation.