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Every measure entered into the tariff database must be associated with a regulation, i.e. a piece of legeslation.

This is so there’s a ‘legal base’ for all tariff and regulatory activity. Without this, measures cannot be traced back to why they were created.

The need for a regulation is built into the schema for TARIC files. It is a mandatory field for the measure table.

Each regulation may have any number of measures associated with it. Every measure is associated with just one measure-generating regulation. I.e. regulations and measures have a one-to-many relationship.

Base regulations

A base regulation introduces new tariff and commercial measures. They do not originate from, or depend on, other regulations. Unless they are suspended, base regulations are valid from their entry into force to their end, or they can be open-ended.

Measures under these regulations have the same validity, unless they are given explicit, earlier end-dates.

In the UK Tariff

The UK Tariff from 2021 onwards only uses open-ended base regulations, and always specifies end dates on measures explicitly. It does not use other types of regulations (e.g. modification regulations as found in the EU Tariff).

Historic data (i.e. measures dating back to before 2021) still includes other types of regulations and data structures found in the EU tariff, thus these fields and variables are still found in the data, but they are not used for new measures or regulations under the post-2021 UK Tariff.

Regulation IDs

Each regulation ID consists of a single letter prefix (listed in the table below) and a seven digit number. Of this number the first two digits refer to the year of the regulation (i.e. 23 for 2023), the next four a sequence number (padded with leading zeros), and the final digit a part value, allowing the same regulation to be entered into the system several times if necessary (e.g. if each instance references a specific part of the legeslation.

Note that the current post-2021 UK tariff regulations use a subtly different set of prefixes to the pre-2021 EU tariff regulations. As the latter still appear in historic regulations, both sets are listed below for completeness.

UK tariff prefixes

Prefix Description
C Draft regulation
P Preferential trade agreement/FTA
U Unilateral preferences (GSP)
S Suspensions and reliefs
X Import and export control
N Trade Remedies
Q Quotas
A Agri measures

EU tariff prefixes

Prefix Description
C Draft regulations, decisions and agreements
R Regulations
D Decisions
A Agreements
I Information (this is not a legal act but it is used for information)
J Judgement of the European Court of Justice

Grouping regulations

Every base regulation refers to a single regulation group.

Regulation groups categorise regulations according to their purpose. They also control what preference codes will be able to use the measure. If regulations are put into the wrong group, associated measures may not be usable by traders.

GroupDescriptionNo of regulations in groupLast used
ADDAdditional duties (AGRI)72014-10-01
ADHMonetary and accession compensatory amounts151990-12-01
AGRAgricultural amounts1922020-08-01
APLApplicable duty rates, other than from the CN262014-06-29
CUNCustoms Union62012-04-01
DNCDuties coming from the CN1542022-06-07
DUMAnti-dumping duties, countervailing duties17342025-02-07
EPFProvisional exclusion11993-12-31
FTAFree Trade Agreement662024-11-21
KONNon preferential tariff quotas5742024-10-01
MLAEntry into free circulation, Export authorization5452024-05-20
OPQOutward processing tariff preference72002-09-01
PRFPreferential duty16802024-09-20
RDRReduced duty rates in the framework of the GATT12011-11-01
REXExport refund (basic products)462014-01-01
RIXExport refund (ingredients)92014-01-01
SPGGeneralized system of preferences1492023-06-19
SURPosterior surveillance1222017-03-01
SUSErga Omnes Suspensions2442021-05-20
TXCCountervailing charge822023-12-04
UKRUK dummy regulation group for the UK regulations252022-12-16
UTSSupplementary unit292020-08-01
VAUUnit price, standard import value172019-01-02
Last updated 20 Feb 2025
See the SQL query that generated this table

This table was automatically generated from the open SQLite database providing the UK Tariff.

The following query was used to generate the table:

SELECT regulation_groups.group_id AS "Group",
   regulation_groups.description AS "Description",
   COUNT(regulations.regulation_id) AS "No of regulations in group",
   MAX(regulations.validity_start) AS "Last used"
FROM regulations
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups as cvg0
        ON regulations.trackedmodel_ptr_id = cvg0.current_version_id
    INNER JOIN common_tracked_models
        ON regulations.regulation_group_id =
    INNER JOIN common_version_groups AS cvg1
        ON common_tracked_models.version_group_id =
    INNER JOIN regulation_groups
        ON cvg1.current_version_id = regulation_groups.trackedmodel_ptr_id
GROUP BY regulations.regulation_group_id
ORDER BY regulation_groups.group_id

The list of regulation groups is rarely amended, and is only done with the agreement of all stakeholders as it would require considerable downstream changes.

Draft regulations

Sometimes it is necessary to send new policy to border systems before the legislation has been accepted by Parliament. In this case, a “draft regulation” is used.

Draft regulations are identified by the prefix C in their regulation ID.

Draft regulations are useful for measures where the start date has not yet been decided but it’s necessary to start data entry, or to get measures onto systems whilst legislation is being laid. Draft regulations may replaced at a later date when the legislation has been laid, however in many cases there is no value in replacing the regulation in the data and regulations with the prefix ‘C’ may no longer be draft regulations. Use the approved flag to identify if a regulation is still draft or not.

Sending draft regulations before they’re approved

A draft regulation can be sent with a ‘not approved’ flag. Unapproved draft regulations are unique in that the measures that are associated with them do not take effect. They have no executive power and will not show up as active measures in the border systems or in the UK tariff.

When the legislation is signed off by Parliament the regulation can be given an ‘approved’ flag. At this point, all the measures become live.

The following 2 rules apply:

  1. Only draft regulations can be ‘not approved’. Other types of regulations must always be ‘approved’.
  2. The approved flag can only be changed from ‘not approved’ to ‘approved’. Once a regulation has been approved, it cannot be changed back.

Data structure (UK tariff)

Under the post-2021 UK Tariff, the data strucutre for regulations consists of three entities “Regulations”, “Regulation Groups” and “Regulation Group Descriptions”, as shown in the entity-relationship diagram below. The latter two tables are straightforward, but the “Regulations” table is a little more complex. Firstly note that there are several fields in the table not shown here; these are associated with the EU tariff structure, are not used under the UK tariff, and only apply to historic data (details of the historic data structure are further down the page).

Note also that the “Information Text” field consists of three pipe delimited variables, the title of the regulation, it’s public identifier, and a url. For example, regulation ‘P2102410’ has the title ‘The Customs Tariff (Preferential Trade Arrangements) (EU Exit) (Amendment) Regulations 2021’, the public identifier S.I. 2021/241, and the url The title and identifier are taken direct from the legeslation itself (as can be seen by following the url).

There are some subtle differences between the structure of the XML data (detailed here) and the structure of the RDBMS structure. Notably that in the RDBMS the regulation group description is contained in the “Regulation Group” table (not spearated out into its own table), and that the “Information Text” field is seaparted out into three fields, rather than being three variables in one field as detailed above.

Entity-relationship diagram for the UK tariff regulations

Database Regulations Regulations Regulation Id char(8) pk Regulation Group Id char(3) pk Published at date Information Text varchar(255) Approved Flag binary Stopped Flag binary Validity Start date not null Validity End date Regulation Group Regulation Group Group Id char(3) pk Validity Start date not null Validity End date Regulations:e->Regulation Group:w Regulation Group Description Regulation Group Description Group Id char(3) pk Language Id char(2) Description varchar(255) Regulation Group Description:e->Regulation Group:w Measure Measure Measure Id int pk Measure Generating Regulation Id char(8) pk Justification Regulation Id char(8) pk “…” Measure:e->Regulations:w Measure:e->Regulations:w

Data structure (historic EU tariff data)

The historic EU tariff data uses a considerably more complex data structure than the post-2021 UK tariff data structure. The main difference is that regulations are split into roles, there is base regulation (which is what all new UK tariff regulation falls under) and seven other types of regulation role (provisional/definitive antidumping, modification, porogation, complete/explicit abrogation, full temporary stop).

With the excption of the base and the two antidumping regulation types, each role type has its own table detailing the legeslation that falls uner that role type and which is linked to the main “Regulations” table.

Porogation and modification regulation also has associated ‘Action’ tables, that indicate the regulation id that is being poroged/modified. There is also a “Replacement Regulation” table that associates regulations with the regulations that they are replacing.

Note that as above, the structure detailed here is for the XML data. In the RDBMS the structure is simplified, the main “Regulations” table is mostly the same, as with the UK tariff strucutre the group descriptions are included in the “Regulation Groups” table. There are then three tables for amendments replacements and suspensions, which detils which regulation is doing the amendment/replacement/supension, and which regulation is being amended/replaced/suspended.

Entity-relationship diagram for historic EU tariff regulations

Database Regulations Regulations Regulation Id char(8) pk Regulation Group Id char(3) pk Published at date Information Text varchar(255) Approved Flag binary Stopped Flag binary Validity Start date not null Validity End date Regulation Role Type Id char(1) pk Official Journal Number varchar(10) Official Journal Page int Community Code int Replacement Indicator binary Effective End Date date Related Antidumping Regulation Role char(1) pk Related Antidumping Regulation Id char(8) pk Complete Abrogation Regulation Role char(1) pk Complete Abrogation Regulation Id char(8) pk Exlpicit Abrogation Regulation Role char(1) pk Exlpicit Abrogation Regulation Id char(8) pk Regulation Group Regulation Group Group Id char(3) pk Validity Start date not null Validity End date Regulations:e->Regulation Group:w Regulation Role Type Regulation Role Type Regulation Role Type Id char(1) pk Validity Start date not null Validity End date Regulations:e->Regulation Role Type:w Regulations:e->Regulation Role Type:w Regulations:e->Regulation Role Type:w Complete Abrogation Regulation Complete Abrogation Regulation Complete Abrogation Regulation Id char(8) pk Complete Abrogation Regulation Role char(1) pk Published at date Official Journal Number varchar(10) Official Journal Page int Replacement Indicator binary Information Text varchar(255) Approved Flag binary Regulations:e->Complete Abrogation Regulation:w Explicit Abrogation Regulation Explicit Abrogation Regulation Explicit Abrogation Regulation Id char(8) pk Explicit Abrogation Regulation Role char(1) pk Published at date Official Journal Number varchar(10) Official Journal Page int Replacement Indicator binary Information Text varchar(255) Approved Flag binary Regulations:e->Explicit Abrogation Regulation:w Regulation Group Description Regulation Group Description Group Id char(3) pk Language Id char(2) Description varchar(255) Regulation Group Description:e->Regulation Group:w Measure Measure Measure Id int pk Measure Generating Regulation Id char(8) pk Measure Generating Regulation Role Id char(1) pk Justification Regulation Id char(8) pk Justification Regulation Role Id char(1) pk “…” Measure:e->Regulations:w Measure:e->Regulations:w Measure:e->Regulation Role Type:w Measure:e->Regulation Role Type:w Regulation Role Type Description Regulation Role Type Description Regulation Role Type Id char(1) pk Language Id char(2) Description varchar(255) Regulation Role Type Description:e->Regulation Role Type:w Regulation Replacement Regulation Replacement Replacing Regulation Id char(8) pk Replacing Regulation Role char(1) pk Replaced Regulation Id char(8) pk Replaced Regulation Role char(1) pk Measure Type Id int Geographical Area Id int Chapter Heading int Regulation Replacement:e->Regulations:w Regulation Replacement:e->Regulations:w Regulation Replacement:e->Regulation Role Type:w Regulation Replacement:e->Regulation Role Type:w Complete Abrogation Regulation:e->Regulations:w Complete Abrogation Regulation:e->Regulation Role Type:w Explicit Abrogation Regulation:e->Regulations:w Explicit Abrogation Regulation:e->Regulation Role Type:w Full Temporary Stop Regulation Full Temporary Stop Regulation Full Temporary Stop Regulation Id char(8) pk Full Temporary Stop Regulation Role char(1) pk Published at date Information Text varchar(255) Approved Flag binary Stopped Flag binary Validity Start date not null Validity End date Regulation Role Type Id char(1) Official Journal Number varchar(10) Official Journal Page int Community Code int Replacement Indicator binary Effective End Date date Complete Abrogation Regulation Role char(1) pk Complete Abrogation Regulation Id char(8) pk Exlpicit Abrogation Regulation Role char(1) pk Exlpicit Abrogation Regulation Id char(8) pk Full Temporary Stop Regulation:e->Regulations:w Full Temporary Stop Regulation:e->Regulations:w Full Temporary Stop Regulation:e->Regulations:w Full Temporary Stop Regulation:e->Regulation Role Type:w Full Temporary Stop Regulation:e->Regulation Role Type:w Full Temporary Stop Regulation:e->Regulation Role Type:w FTS Regulation Action FTS Regulation Action FTS Regualtion Id char(8) pk FTS Regulation Role char(1) pk Stopped Regulation Id char(8) pk Stopped Regulation Role char(1) pk FTS Regulation Action:e->Regulations:w FTS Regulation Action:e->Regulation Role Type:w FTS Regulation Action:e->Regulation Role Type:w FTS Regulation Action:e->Full Temporary Stop Regulation:w Measure Partial Temporary Stop Measure Partial Temporary Stop Measure Id int pk Validity Start date not null Validity End date Partial Temporary Stop Regulation Id char(8) pk Partial Temporary Stop Regulation Official Journal Number varchar(10) Partial Temporary Stop Regulation Official Journal Page int Abrogation Regulation Id char(8) pk Abrogation Regulation Official Journal Number varchar(10) Abrogation Regulation Official Journal Page int Measure Partial Temporary Stop:e->Regulations:w Measure Partial Temporary Stop:e->Regulations:w Modification Regulation Modification Regulation Modification Regulation Id char(8) pk Modification Regulation Role char(1) pk Published at date Official Journal Number varchar(10) Official Journal Page int Validity Start date not null Validity End date Effective End Date date Base Regulation Id char(8) pk Base Regulation Role char(1) pk Complete Abrogation Regulation Role char(1) pk Complete Abrogation Regulation Id char(8) pk Exlpicit Abrogation Regulation Role char(1) pk Exlpicit Abrogation Regulation Id char(8) pk Replacement Indicator binary Stopped Flag binary Information Text varchar(255) Approved Flag binary Modification Regulation:e->Regulations:w Modification Regulation:e->Regulations:w Modification Regulation:e->Regulation Role Type:w Modification Regulation:e->Regulation Role Type:w Modification Regulation:e->Complete Abrogation Regulation:w Modification Regulation:e->Complete Abrogation Regulation:w Modification Regulation:e->Explicit Abrogation Regulation:w Modification Regulation:e->Explicit Abrogation Regulation:w Prorogation Regulation Prorogation Regulation Prorogation Regulation Id char(8) pk Prorogation Regulation Role char(1) pk Published at date Official Journal Number varchar(10) Official Journal Page int Replacement Indicator binary Information Text varchar(255) Approved Flag binary Prorogation Regulation:e->Regulations:w Prorogation Regulation:e->Regulation Role Type:w Prorogation Regulation Action Prorogation Regulation Action Prorogation Regulation Id char(8) pk Prorogation Regulation Role char(1) pk Prorogated Regulation Id char(8) pk Prorogated Regulation Role char(1) pk Prorogated Date date Prorogation Regulation Action:e->Regulations:w Prorogation Regulation Action:e->Regulation Role Type:w Prorogation Regulation Action:e->Regulation Role Type:w Prorogation Regulation Action:e->Prorogation Regulation:w

Validation rules

Code Description
ROIMB1 Uniqueness rule for the combination of regulation id and role id.
ROIMB4 Mandatory subrecord rule that a referenced regulation group must exist.
ROIMB44 The “Regulation Approved Flag” indicates for a draft regulation whether the draft is approved, i.e. the regulation is definitive apart from its publication (only the definitive regulation id and the O.J. reference are not yet known). A draft regulation (regulation id starts with a ‘C’) can have its “Regulation Approved Flag” set to 0=’Not Approved’ or 1=’Approved’. Its flag can only change from 0=’Not Approved’ to 1=’Approved’. Any other regulation must have its “Regulation Approved Flag” set to 1=’Approved’.
ROIMB46 Deletion while in use rule for regulations that are used as a justification regulation in a measure. Except for ‘C’ regulations used only in measures as both measure-generating regulation and justification regulation.
ROIMB47 Validity contained rule requiring regulation group validity to span the period of the base regulation.
ROIMB8 Validity contained rule requiring eplicit dates of related measures to be within the validity period of the base regulation.

For more information see the system documentation. Note that these validation rules are only for the post-2021 UK tariff.